Saturday, February 09, 2008

More Fun With The Weather

Sitting at a nasty -29C right now, but the sun is shining. I have discovered that the hose that carries cold water to the washing machine has a frozen spot somewhere in it, how dreadfully convenient......NOT! There are two large holes in the drywall behind the washer & dryer, and cold air from outside comes in through those holes. I have stuffed a thick towel into said holes in the wall, jacked up the heat, and left the doors to the laundry enclosure open in the hopes that the hose will thaw. If so, I can do my laundry tonight. If not, it will have to wait until tomorrow, when we will have a heat-wave-like high of -14C. Someone remind me again why I live in this frozen hell? Honolulu needs nurses, especially those with my management skills. Good thing the items I want to wash aren't immediately necessary. Good thing I own lots of underwear.

And just think, three months from now, it may be spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rest assured, that I (and my new Bride!) miss you as much as you miss us.
Speaking of weather, it's really "fun" how many wicked ass lightning storms we get here. Two in less that a week, and a pounding rainstorm with last night's display! And our dog, who is a 90 pound bundle of fur, heads upstairs and hides from the thunder!