Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Good News/Bad News

This will probably be the first of many (well, a few, anyway) identically-titled posts. Kind of a what-I've-been-up-to-lately story in point form.

Bad News: backed into another car in the hospital parkade last Thursday night when leaving work; left a note on the car's windshield apologizing and giving my name and contact #s.

Good News: absolutely no damage to my car, not even a scratch (other car had a sizeable ding on the back bumper). Didn't hear from anyone all Friday, got to hoping the ding was old and not caused by me.

Bad News: the intern who owns the other car contacted me on Saturday. The ding was definitely not there before, she said.

Good News: since I have never, in 34 years of being a licensed driver and 27+ years of owning cars, had an at-fault accident, my insurance has an automatic forgiveness for the first one. No increase in my premiums next year.

Bad News: while biting into a semi-frozen chocolate a couple of weeks ago, I broke off a piece of a lower molar.

Good News: what ended up exposed was a filling, not tooth enamel, so I didn't spend the weekend in pain.

Bad News: the filling had very sharp edges; my tongue got quite abraded.

Good News: the root of the tooth is healthy, so a crown won't be a problem.

Bad News: my Blue Cross only covers 50% of crowns, so my up-front cost will be about CAD$500.00.

Good News: I have a supplemental Health Spending account that will reimburse that $500.00.

Good News: there is a change a-brewing in the way my job is done region-wide. A new lead day manager position will come in, coordinating the shift managers (what I am right now). After discussion with my director (and positive encouragement from her), I decided to apply for that position when it was posted.

Bad News: even before the position has been posted, our night manager has been seconded into it - by, among others, our director. Guess that shows me what they think of me. This night manager is not someone I want to be answering to.

Bad News: I was diagnosed last May with a cataract in my left eye. My vision (especially night vision) got progressively worse, so I was referred to an opthalmologist.

Good News: by putting my name on the surgery cancellation list, I managed to get scheduled for surgery this March, instead of June.

Bad News: the surgery and resultant recuperation period will cut into my time to paint the new townhouse prior to moving in.

Well, that's long enough for now. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from the Aunt hill!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I await more exciting developments, with bated breath!