Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I Just Don't Get It

I just don't. I'm referring to the madness that has overtaken this city regarding the Oilers' progression to the Stanley Cup semi-finals. The hysteria, the near-riots, the screaming, stamping of feet, and outright noise this series of events has spawned mystifies me. For God's sake, it's just bloody hockey! It's not like the ultimate fate of the universe depends on this series of games, people!

What's ironic is that the knuckle-dragging denizens of this city don't even raise an eyebrow about the tragedies going on every day. They register no excitement about the new advances in diabetes treatment or cancer-fighting that occur here. There is no jumping up and down about how many young people are living on the streets. Abused women merit no reaction from the sports fans, either.

No, I just don't get it. Every time a hockey game airs right now, there is excessive booze-swilling, much honking of car horns, and of course, fistfights and other violence committed against opposing fans. Don't we have enough to do in our ERs without this insanity? Isn't there enough rude behavior on the streets without using a hockeygame as an excuse for more? What's next - murder in the name of sports partisanship? No, wait, someone tried that already last week.

It's a damned shame this much energy is never expended in the name of the really important causes. Oh, and in case you didn't get it, I hate hockey.


Exile said...

The only way they'd get me to watch the NHL on TV is if they broadcast direct from a locker room cam - or better yet, a showercam.

Bread and circuses, Aunt - that's what the people want.

Anonymous said...

I am a hockey fan but I think the fighting should be confined to the ice.

Anonymous said...

It's "professional sports" - remind me again exactly why I should care.

worker Aunt said...

Well, exile, while I can't do a livecam into any players' dressing room, how about the surgeon's shower room?

Too true, Wendy. How does the old joke go? "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out."

bsq10r - good to see you, buddy! I feel the same way - the only professional sports I will voluntarily watch are dance sport and show jumping. Imagine the reaction I get when I announce that in Alberta!

Anonymous said...

Way back when, circa 1984, people used to wait until the Oilers had actually WON the Stanley Cup before partying!
What is this idiotic "let's have a party/riot after every win" mentality?
Best way to shut it down, send in the riot squad, Tasers, plastic and rubber bullets, bean bag guns, and use that on the rioters. Use force, and you keep the uncivilized elemnts in line, by showing them you aren't afraid to kick their asses.